28 04 2009

A few weeks ago, Ayumi Shinn dropped a review item on the SL Bloggers Network in world, a cleavage enhancer that she designed and is selling in her store.  I’d never heard of her store, [AYUMI], before so I decided to go check it out.  She has some really cute stuff, but my favorite was the Button Up Shirt with it’s plunging necklace and thick belt underneath the bust line.  It comes in five colors, and she’s selling them for 150L each, or 250L for the fatpack.  Never one to pass up a deal, I grabbed the fatpack and decided to see what kind of looks I could throw together using this daringly sexy shirt.


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Two to Tango

21 04 2009

And apparently it takes two tries to get this post published.  *glares at the internet*

Versatility is the key to any good wardrobe.  Having those pieces that can be worn with several different “looks” can easily double the size of your closet, be it real or virtual.  That’s probably my favorite thing about fashion: taking one item and styling it this way and that.  Of course, my SL wardrobe is considerably larger than my RL one, and I often have things in more than one color.  My virtual wardrobe is versatile beyond belief sometimes.  And sometimes, I even surprise myself with what I come up with.  Take the Madrid skirt from Leezu Baxter, for example.  I adore this skirt, and I own it in both red and this gorgeous teal and blue confection called Candy.  I’ve worn both colors recently, in very different ways.


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The Dichotomy of Arcadia…and other newness.

18 04 2009

A few weeks ago, I posted about the Tear You Apart shirt by Rara Avis called Prep School Punk in which I raved about how much I adore said shirt. The one down side I described was that it didn’t come in more colors because I wanted more of them.  Well, Azriel Ballyhoo, the designer, saw my post and contacted me to tell me that I had inspired her to make more of these fantastic little shirts.  She had been thinking of it for awhile, but my post got her motivated again.  I am so happy that I inspired this wonderful designer to add more options for this super sexy shirt.  She is releasing five new versions today and, of course, I am going to show them all to you.  This is probably going to be the longest post ever posted, especially if you are reading this on one of the feeds.  But, I think it’s worth it.  Ready?


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Mix and Match The Night Away!

14 04 2009

I’ve given up on doing the entire Bunny Hop Hunt for several reasons.  It’s just too big and too hard and my inventory is already too chaotic to add another 200+ items that it will take me months to sort through.  So I asked myself which stores I’d be sad to miss and just hopped to those places.  One of those places was Baiastice.
I’ve always thought Baiastice to be one of the most interesting stores on the Grid, and I tend to have very strong reactions to the designs of Sissy Pessoa.  There is no internal debate for me while shopping there.  If I own it, it was an instant “I love it and must have it right now” decision.   And I’m always excited to find new stuff out at Baiastice because there is the possibility that she’s done something that will blow me away.  Imagine my delight to have stumbled upon an entire area of new stuff (well new to me, anyway) while hunting for yet another elusive easter egg.  It was an area of mix and match seperates that I was really excited to see at Baiastice.  And, of course, a few things immediately grabbed my attention.  The first was this lovely, soft silk top. 


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Simply Fabulous

7 04 2009

I’ve always thought that Nicky Ree was one of the more talented designers in SL.  I’ve photographed a few of her dresses, and they are quite well done.  The textures are always lovely, and the movement is fun to capture in photos.  However, I’ve never really bought any of her designs before.  While well done, most of them are not usually my personal style.  And some of the more grandiose designs tend to be a bit out of my budget, though if I saw something I fell in love with that totally would not stop me.  I think the main reason I don’t shop there is because her store layout drives me utterly mad.  I can’t stand it for five minutes, usually, without getting angry.   However, last night I braved the madness to go check out the newest release from Designing Nicky Ree: Water Nymph Adrie.


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